Eve Online is notorious for its player-driven, laissez-faire approach to economics, politics, and warfare. They assess and respond to threats, plan and execute campaigns and generally kick ass. Murph and his colleagues-known in-game as Mister Vee and Vily-comprise the military command of Clusterfuck Coalition. He decides where they are deployed, what armaments they carry and which objectives they fulfill.
Known within the game as Lazarus Telraven, he is among three fleet commanders for Clusterfuck Coalition, the largest organization in Eve.Ī fleet commander controls up to 255 ships-that is, players. Murph, a 24-year-old network engineer from Savannah, Georgia, has been playing Eve since 2006. That’s how it’s possible to lose digital assets worth more than $300,000 in the real world. You can’t exchange PLEX for cash, but because they can be purchased with cash, a rough exchange rate exists.Ĭurrently, $15 to $20 buys one PLEX, which can be sold for about 625 million ISK, making $1 worth about 35 million ISK.
As with any in-game item, PLEX can be bought, sold, lost or destroyed.